Fundamentals Of Agriculture
AGBS 3246 - Agricultural Management3 credits. This course describes the technology, equipment and facilities commonly used in major components of agricultural production including; farm management, crop, soil, irrigation or livestock production. The role and function of agricultural business management in conjunction with other professionals and products and services of the entire agricultural supply chain. The economics of production. Farm techniques. The implications of technology and risk on agricultural production. The integration of production and accounting, marketing and business technology for the management of farm operations. Records and reporting requirements for Illinois agricultural operations.
AGBS 3215 - Farm Finances and Stewardship3 credit hours. Farm finances and stewardship are major components of modern agriculture. Highway safety standards, growing concerns of food quality, and farm government regulations are among the issues influencing the economics of farm production. While impacts of weather and climate change are likely to impact commodity markets, they are less likely to change farm economics.
AGBS 3155 - Crop Value Chain Management - Farm of Origin3 credits. The crop value chain is the sequence of networked producers, processors, distributors, consumers and retailers that moves from the farm to the table. Crop value chain management, or CVC, provides an understanding of the linkages between a variety of players and their location within the overall production and marketing process. CVC includes the trade in host, product, and consumer markets. CVC provides guidelines for managing supply, demand and risk throughout the chain in order to produce a world-class crop. This course covers the topics of risk, the relationship between production and supply, disease, and pest management. It is taught through lectures, discussion, case studies, and activities. This course builds on AGBS 3163, Agricultural Management for Crop Production. 7211a4ac4a