The content strategy in special email list social networks has become essential for any company, the launch of Penguin by Google caused the classic techniques based on linkbuilding or linkfarming to cease to be used The growing and unstoppable special email list consolidation of the "professional consumer" as the main element in the decision process to purchase a product or service has also forced the generation of controlled online communication special email list channels that allow companies to transmit, qualify and, above all, retain their public. objective.
In this guide we special email list explain the different phases through which a content marketing strategy must be developed to ensure our success and the correct optimization of the human and technological resources that we have The special email list previous analysisWe will analyze in detail the following sections The prior and necessary analysis of any content strategy on Social Networks.The selection of social networks and dissemination special email list channels The sources of information.
Programming special email list and content management.Continuous monitoring, follow-up and optimization of our content strategyA good content strategy in Social Networks must have a briefing or prior analysis of needs and objectives special email list The main points that we must take into account are the following Who am I and what do I do special email list Analysis of the competition in Social Networks What is said about me on the net Phases of analysis prior to the content strategy in Social Networks.