consumers of everything we do and show clear accounts. If we have to raise the price of a product or service, for example, we must do the exercise of explaining why. If we offer a discount, we have to be fully transparent about the original price clipping path service and terms of the offer. And in the same way, you also have to be very transparent regarding aspects such as environmental sustainability or hiring policies . Consumers are giving more and more importance to aspects related to corporate social responsibility, so as a company it is our duty to live up to it. 3) Value Whether we work in B2B or B2C ,
the essence of our marketing should always be to add value to the customer. Empty promises are useless. Therefore, we have to start with a thorough understanding of customer needs through tools such as market research or buyer personas . Only in this way can we know what they really need and adapt our products and services so that they are really useful to them. 4 people Companies are made up of people and run by people, and both employees and customers have emotional needs. The only way to have an ethical, transparent and values-based company is to put the well-being of people before profits.
For the workers, this translates into policies such as work-life balance or the flexibility of working by objectives, which create a climate of trust and cooperation. This paradigm shift is called " human-centric marketing ", a concept that arises when companies focus on the human side and that can be synthesized in these questions: What can the people who are part of the company achieve? How do our business decisions affect people? How can we create value for the people who work in the company? 5) Experience User experience is one of the fashionable terms in the