Emulsion space In this area there will be many accidents, errors and substances (emulsion and reflective) so it has to be a place with little traffic where you can work and let your screens dry. In this place it is recommended to have a "cap" or structure that allows you to reload the screen when applying force when applying your design. 5 basic spaces for your screen printing workshop by barbasilkscreenatelier 10 5. Insulator One of the best investments you can make when creating your workshop and the only
Specification that this space must have is that you can move freely to put your screens and that there are no problems of Real Estate Photo Editing light entering that modifies or hinders the revealing process. 5 basic spaces for your screen printing workshop by barbasilkscreenatelier 12 After you have your workshop ready, don't forget to check out barbasilkscreenatelier 's course for more tips on how to achieve a highly professional job. Originally from Mar de Plata in Argentina, Panko Sassan is a graphic designer and illustrator focused on typography,
A passion he discovers when exploring other platforms such as muralism, lettering and any means of visual expression that allows him to expand his free time. creative horizons. Panko Sassan, master of lettering 2 Panko Sassan, master of lettering 3 Panko Sassan, master of lettering 4 he He has been a professor at the Hilted Institute, teaching design and typography; he has also ventured into the creation part of important projects such as Smart! Group, serving for several years as a partner and where he specialized in image design and visual identity.