Creating a community of alumni on LinkedIn where there is a strong sense of belonging, achievement and pride encourages future students to join your school. The same is happening on other social networks. On Twitter , you will further promote your school to professionals (companies, partners, journalists). On Instagram , it was more of interest to students and candidates . As for Facebook , you will bring everyone together, both current students and alumni and candidates, but also professionals and parents. Digital tool n°5 – Search To recruit new students to your school, you can also rely on AdWords advertising.
Especially text ads . Text ads shown on Search (Google's Search Network) will reach your target directly if you bid on the right keywords . When the student inquires on the Google fax list search engine, he will first come across your text ad. Catchy text, relevant links and voila! The student will only have to click. Digital tool n°6 – The Display Finally, you can opt for showing ads on the Google Display Network . Even if it is possible to broadcast text ads, here we will favor image ads, rich media and video for a more impactful visual impact . Good targeting will then allow you to reach the right target on strategic sites.
To target future students, the ideal would be to post your advertisements on orientation sites such as ONISEP, L'Étudiant or Studyrama. If the ad visual and targeting are successful, then you have an excellent tool to develop your notoriety, generate interest and generate visits to your site . The digital world is wide and constantly evolving. There are other tools you can use to promote your school. For example, you could consider mobile app advertising through Google's AdMob platform.